Sunday, October 12, 2008

For lack of more blog-worthy experiences...

The other day I met a real life Doogie Howser. Well not in the sense that he was a freakishly smart young boy acting as a medical doctor on TV, but rather that he IS Neil Patrick Harris's doopleganger. The resemblance was overwhelming. Almost as overwhelming as finding out that Doogie in fact digs the fellas...who knew? Well, apparently...everybody under the sun! He even did a Clay Akin-esque People magazine cover declaring his sexual preference a few years ago. The only difference with Harris's cover was that some people were actually surprised to see it. But all strangeness aside this encounter got me thinking about my own doppleganger. That girl out there who looks just like me. It is believed that everybody has one it is merely the matter of finding them. So my search begins....wish me luck! And I guess wish her luck too because if she finds me first that would make this whole search thing a lot easier. I'm just saying.

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